Being sick sucks.
This week started like any other.
I got out of bed Monday morning, showered, and headed to work. However, something felt... off.

An hour or so in, I figured out what was going on - I was getting the currently quite popular stomach bug - and I knew that I was going to need to go home in the very near future, or we were going to have a situation.
...Throw an extra 'h' into that last sentence for a crass, but applicable joke. You choose where.
Unfortunately, true to form like most Mondays, urgent care was already starting to back up.
Seriously... if you need to go to urgent care on a Monday, I hurt for you. Everybody and their dog (sometimes literally) goes to urgent care on Monday.
Thankfully, I have the world's best boss who told me that even though she was busy that day, she thought I should go home.
I made it home by 10:15, was in bed by 10:30 - and stayed there until the next morning.
Have you guys had this stomach bug yet? It took me OUT.
My stomach burned, I had a fever, I couldn't find the right temperature to be comfortable, and I was in and out of the bathroom.
At one point I googled "What does salmonella feel like?"
Then I googled "How do you get salmonella?"
I ended up staying home both Monday and Tuesday, though by the end of Tuesday I was out of bed and moving around like a human again.

That evening, Jade had her first dance recital so I pulled myself out of bed, showered off and went to watch. While it was short, she absolutely killed it.
They showed their families both ballet moves and jazz dance moves, and it was clear which Jade enjoyed more.
It was also interesting to now have a name for the type of dance that Jade has been doing in the front room when she puts on her "shows". Though, the one we saw in public might have been a tad less dramatic than her usual routines.
Like so many things in life, being sick this week has yet again reminded me how lucky I am.
What started with my boss sending me home early led to multiple family members and friends checking on me throughout the day (one even bringing snacks to the house), and my amazing wife caring for me - even though I'm sure I made her feel like she had three children.
Admittedly - this is a feeling Shelly is quite used to - though normally it's because I've done something stupid, not because I have an upset stomach.
It's just so nice to not only know that you're cared for - but to know that when you're out of commission, people notice. I'm so very fortunate to have the people in my life that I do, and I hope that none of them ever wonder about my appreciation.
Unsurprisingly this week, I've also been reminded (yet again) at how amazing my wife is.
It hit me earlier this week that this year, we will have been married for four years - and while that number may not be huge when compared to some marriages, it's been the happiest four years of my life. Without a doubt.

Shelly is absolutely my better half. She's my rock, my sounding board, my best friend (again, don't tell Kevin), and more often than not - my filter.
When I'm out for work or down while sick, she doesn't skip a beat. She's clearly the glue that keeps this family together/operating at full capacity - and she's the most humble person I've ever met.
... Though she wouldn't say that. Saying you're the "most humble" person has an oxymoron kind of feel to it.
I tell her daily how much I love her, how beautiful she is, and how my life is better for knowing her, but it never feels like enough.
I'm not a typical "guy" in the sense that I don't know anything about cars or home repair (unless it's something I can look up on youtube), but she makes me feel like the most manly husband in the world.
So, while I was sick this week - with nothing to do but lay in bed and reflect on what a lucky life I have - and daydream about what life-threatening illness I must have - I did for Shelly one of the few things I feel comfortable doing.
I wrote something for her.
While the words I use will never do a good enough job at conveying how much she means to me - I promise to keep saying them for as long as I can.
- Shelly -
Life is short and all too fleeting.
Full of pain, but worth completing.
Full of laughs, headaches, surprises,
losses, wins, and compromises.
Life is dirty, sticky, stinky –
Often daunting, sometimes kinky.
Life’s up and down and thin and thick.
Couples argue. Kids get sick.
Flowers wither. Houses crack.
Achy knees and achy back.
Life's also beauty with you in it.
Every second, every minute.
Blessings greater, hardships lighter.
Laughter’s deeper. Hugs are tighter.
See, you’re the tape and you’re the glue.
My life’s together, ‘cause of you.
So, sorry if this week's blog took a sappy turn.
I had a lot of free time to think, and a hot wife taking care of me while I did it.

*Also, worth mentioning - While writing this blog, a package came in the mail. Speaking of awesome friends and family, my Aunt (or as she puts it - domestic step aunt in law) Cheri sent me Batman lunch bags.
Seriously, how cool are these?