I think yesterday's torrential downpour has me in a bit of a funk.
And yes, I know I lose man points when I say that I feel "Bleh". I don't even check my balance anymore.
This week was a pretty decent one, but jeez - this weekend put a really crummy cap on it when everything was said and done.
The storm started Friday night, and I don't think it officially let up until sometime Sunday morning.

It rained, it hailed, it thundered and lightninged (way too close to the house for Jade's comfort) and in essence trapped us in the house where I was unable to do many things I really wanted to do.
The yard was a swamp, and the computer stayed unplugged. I ate like crap, and walked probably 3000 steps the entire weekend.
It was just kind of a bummer.
Admittedly though, our house was unharmed, and we all had a safe place to experience our bummer of a weekend.
Everything's relative.
What is it about disaster weather that causes people to think that 1. they have to leave their house for stupid reasons - and 2. they're invulnerable.
Every time we have a flash flood, pictures inevitably pop up on facebook of people who just knew they could drive through high water and be fine.
Every time.

And it's frustrating, because it typically means that some emergency worker probably had to risk their own safety to bail this person out.
But seriously, the amount of rain we received this weekend was bug nuts crazy.
(not my picture)
This week we had Jaxon's first band concert (minus the one where he and his entire class played recorders - which my brain is still actively trying to repress). He's playing the drums now, and the songs are MUCH more entertaining.

It's kind of strange hearing songs played in a junior high band concert that I've actually really enjoyed at different parts of my life. When 'Seven Nation Army' by the White Stripes came in, I have to say it caught me off guard.

Unfortunately, they always have the younger kids go first, so after Jaxon's group played their two songs, we still had well over half of the concert left to
I went to a training for work this week to become an LPC supervisor. I have to go again next Friday, but after that - I'll be able to supervise folks trying to get their license to be a counselor.
That's a pretty exciting prospect.
Sometimes, I think our profession gets a bad rep, mostly because people bring their own baggage into the office with them. This will give me an opportunity to do my part to the field, helping people learn how to counsel and not advise.
I've only been working behavioral health since 2008, but due to my hours spent in community mental health, I think I have a lot of practical experience that
could help others just getting their legs beneath them.
Either way, it has me eager.

Also, every time I leave the office, I put a sign on my door telling people that I'll be out and who they can contact for behavioral health related needs. I always put a little note at the bottom about alternate ways to request help - but I think nobody ever reads that part.

I can always hear my mother's voice in the back of my head saying "You know you're not as funny as you think you are..." - but it hasn't stopped me yet.
And btw, I think I'm hilarious.

Some women came by urgent care this week to take a picture of those of us that work there.
While I initially assumed they were there for the first photo shoot in a "Men of Hastings" calendar event - I learned they were really just getting pictures of each department's staff for a bulletin board.
I don't get many pictures of my work friends, so this one is really special to me.
Though, because of the nature of staffing at urgent care - without calling people in on their days off, it's damn near impossible to get everyone who works there in one picture - so this picture is not entirely indicative of all of my work buddies. It's still missing some pretty awesome people.
I ended up missing my BJJ classes this week. Two of the three times, the teacher and his son weren't available, and the one time that I could have gone, I had something come up that caused me to miss. I'm ready to get back to it this week. It's not that I miss the exercise, I miss knowing that I have exercised.
So, I guess that's about it for this week. We survived the storm, and while I wasn't able to work on the computer - I did a bit of sketching and brainstorming on the book I plan to work on AFTER the book I'm already working on.
I want to make a story about a kid who can't sleep.
Our kids have always struggled to fall asleep, and for a long time we used to do our own form of guided meditation. I would walk them through these weird adventure stories that they'd listen to with their eyes shut. The stories would get pretty fantastical - and the kids seemed to enjoy it.
Also, I want an opportunity to make a story with a character that's half sloth, half butterfly.
...It's my book.
But now, it's Sunday night and again, things are coming to a close. I'm about to go make lunches for the week (Greek chicken pita wraps) and to play a game with some of my friends on xbox live. Shelly is making homemade chicken and noodles, Jaxon is (you already know this) playing in his room, and Jade is doing gymnastics in the front room.
The weekend was a bit depressing, but it's over.
If nothing else, it's given me a direction to point and a list of things I know I want to accomplish this week.
Go team.