Friday night we met my parents in Tulsa for dinner at Hu Hot and they gave the kids their Easter gifts. They're about to start the process of moving out of their house in Bartlesville and into a house in Sand Springs.
It's going to be really great having them closer, even if it's still an hour away - and my step dad will be MUCH closer to his job, so he won't have two hours of driving every day.
To hear him talk about what he'll do with his extra time, he sounds like Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in Step Brothers.
"There's so much more time for activities!"
After gorging ourselves on all you can eat Mongolian barbecue, we spent a few minutes at Vintage Stock and then headed back home. We had to be up early the next day.

There were over a hundred people there, and we got some super bright yellow shirts out of the deal.
Jaxon had decided that he would do the 5k (his first), while Jade, Shelly, and I all opted for the fun run.
I still swear that's an oxymoron.
Either way, we jogged/walked a mile while Jade and her friend picked up Easter eggs along the side of the road.
We finished out part quickly and returned to the start to cheer for Jaxon - who finished at 34:10.
Super proud of that kid.
Also, the guy who came in first - he came in at 17:17. Then, he turned around and ran it again while others were still going.
It was like the end of The Incredibles where Dash was trying to compete against regular kids. I'm not saying that guy had super powers, but I'm not saying he didn't, either.

That afternoon I had both Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes back to back. I thought I knew what I was in for.
I didn't.
Half way through, I ended up hurting my leg. I still don't know the name of the muscle. I've just been referring to it as my "butt-thigh junction". Whatever it's called, when I went to throw one of the guys in the class, I held my leg wrong (extended) and dropped his body weight on my leg. It pulled that spot and for like five minutes I couldn't stand up.
Thankfully, my friend who lives at the house I'm taking classes at is a doctor - so I had him looking at it, pushing on the spot trying to diagnose the issue within 2 minutes.
Pain's a funny thing though, isn't it?
I've always had a pretty high tolerance for the stuff (I still brag that I was shot in grad school and didn't miss a single day of class), but it's such a subjective concept that when you act like you're hurt, people never know exactly what you're going through.
While the guys teaching the class acted very sincere and caring, I had to wonder if they thought I was feigning hurt to get a breather. It happened one hour into our two hour session, and while I did continue, I was certainly impeded.
Still, stellar guys - and I have learned so much so far already - which is turning out to be a roller coaster experience for Shelly. On one hand, she's happy for me. On the other hand, she now dreads hearing "Let me show you what I learned tonight!"
Saturday night (while I should have been home resting up), I met a friend for dinner at a restaurant in town and got to catch up, which was really nice.
Today was Easter, and our family is one that really loves their traditions.

Last night, Shelly and I had put together our annual Easter Scavenger Hunt. We hide clues throughout the house written to rhyme, and then the kids hunt their way to their Easter baskets.

It's a blast making the clues, because I really like coming up with silly rhymes - and I think they get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

And if they don't, they don't gripe - because they typically end up with a basket full of candy.
Seriously, they made out like bandits this year.
Between my parents, Shelly's parents, us, and their dad - they have enough candy to ruin every single tooth in their heads. It's going to be quite a chore doling this candy out over the next few weeks so they don't make themselves sick/explode.

This evening, we had Easter dinner with Shelly's dad's family, and then went to Nonna's house so the kids could do their second scavenger hunt of the day.

I'm not going to lie - while I talk about the kids doing so well this year getting a lot of candy - I do have to admit that I got an Easter basket from both Shelly AND her mom.
So, yeah - I do alright.
All in all, it was a very eventful AND fun weekend, but now I'm spent. My body hurts, my butt-thigh junction is achey, and my allergies are acting up. I've prepped my lunches for the week, and I think I'm going to call it an early night.
I had so much more that I wanted to say here, but here we are.

I hope your Easter weekend was a great one, and I'll be back soon.
For now, enjoy your Sunday night and time with those you love.
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